
Stadium Track Too Soft for Use

The University track team was not able to use the Stadium yesterday as the track had not been rolled. The distance men ran about two miles on the speedway, while the half-mile squad ran as far as the first turn in the speedway and back, a distance of about one mile. The sprint squad, the hurdlers, and the candidates for the broad and high jumps ran about a quarter of a mile on the side walk, along the side of Soldiers Field. Mr. Quinn coached all the men who are trying for the weight events.

From now on practice will be held daily, and Coaches Lathrop and Quinn will be on the Field from 11 to 1 o'clock and from 3 to 6 o'clock. Later on a certain time in the day will be reserved for coaching each event, but at present men may report at the most convenient time during the day.
