
Results of Pasteur Debate Trials

The first trials to select the Junior claim team for the Pasieur Medal Debate were held last night in Upper Dane and resulted in the selection of the following men: A. Davis, E. B. Storn, I. L. Sharfman, and W. H. Pollak. These men have been chosen by lot to speak in the above order and will be allowed ten minutes each at the final trial on Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the small room in Upper Dane. The best three speakers will compose the team and the fourth man will be the alternate. M. C. Leckner '07 presided last night, and the judges were A. B. West 2L and B. v. Kanaley 2L., the coach.

At the Sophomore trials in Upper Dane, the following six men were retained: J. S. Davis, G. W. Harris, H. B. Platt, G. I. Lewis, W. J. Mack, B. M. Nussbaum. The first three mentioned have been chosen by lot to support the affirmative and the latter three for the negative, on Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the large room in Upper Dane. These trials on Thursday will be a regular debate with 12-minute main speeches and give minutes of rebuttal for each man. G. C. Good '09 presided yesterday, and the judges were R. M. Davis 2L and S. Curtis 1G. The best three speakers will be chosen for the team, and the remaining three men will compose the second team, from which the alternate will be selected later by the coach.

The question for the final trials of both teams and for the Pasteur Medal debate has been revised, and is as follows: "Resolved, That the French Government should adopt a scheme granting pensions to superannuated workmen."
