
Handball Squad to be Reduced

The handball squad, which now consists of 12 men, is practicing daily in the Gymnasium. It will soon be cut down to six men, of whom the University team of four members will be chosen. E. R. Brumley '07 and F. G. Perkins sL., the two members of last year's team who are still in the University, are acting as coaches.

Negotiations for matches this spring with Yale, Columbia, Amherst, and Brown are now underway, and game will probably be played very soon with he Boston Young Men's Christian Union.

The executive committee of the Handball Association is framing a set of rules to be published. One hundred copies will be placed on sale at the C0-operative, and 100 will be sent to universities and colleges throughout the country. These rules will differ somewhat from the code now in use among professional players.
