The University hockey team will play its third intercollegiate game against Brown on the Stadium rink this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. No admission will be charged for this game, which is the only one of the intercollegiate series that will be played in Cambridge.
Since the game with the Roxbury Hockey Club on last Saturday afternoon, the University team has had two practice games in which great attention has been given to developing the team play of the forwards, as previously they have been inclined to work individually and to shoot wildly when near the opponent's goal.
As the Brown team has not yet won a game in the intercollegiate series, it is expected that the University team will win, although both teams have been equally handicapped by lack of ice during the past two weeks.
The line-up will be as follows: Yesterday afternoon the University hockey team played a practice game with the second team. There was the usual goal shooting practice followed by three short periods of scrimmage. Owing to the roughness of the ice the passing and shooting were rather inaccurate.
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