
Special Assignment of Yard Rooms

The Bursar has sent out notices to the present occupants of rooms in Hollis, Stoughton and Holworthy, stating that 1 o'clock next Monday is the latest hour at which rooms in Hollis, Stoughton and Holworthy may be re-engaged for 1906-07. All rooms that have not been re-engaged by that time will be included among those to be assigned on February 20 by special allotment to students in the present Junior class and to students of like standing in the Scientific School. Applications for these rooms must be filed with the Bursar on or before February 20 at 10 o'clock. The result of the allotment will be announced February 21. Lists of the rooms to be let, and blank forms of application will be ready for delivery at the Bursar's office on February 14.

In the allotment, preference will be given as follows: 1. To groups of four students making application in pairs for two adjoining or nearby rooms. 2. To separate pairs of students signing the same application for single rooms to be occupied by them as room-mates. 3. To groups of three students applying to obtain two adjacent rooms. 4. To individual applicants.

Except in the particulars above stated the assignment of February 20 will be subject to the rules in the Catalogue for 1905-06, reprints of which may be obtained at the Bursar's office. Applicants who fail to obtain rooms in the early allotment will have another chance at the regular annual assignment, which will be made April 4.
