
Yale Letter

Candidates for battery positions on the freshman baseball team were called out last Monday and 30 men reported. Practice has been held daily in the cage under the direction of Captain F. O'Brien '06, and Coach W. L. Lush. The general call for freshman candidates will be issued later in the month. The University squad will commence work on March 5.

On Wednesday evening at the indoor track meet of the Troy Y. M. C. A., a mile relay team composed of four men won the relay event for Yale by defeating Cornell. J. J. Hasbrouck '06 S., won the high jump at the same meet. On Thursday night in the meet at Philadelphia under the auspices of Company E, First Regiment, a two-mile relay team consisting of J. M. Cates L.S., E. B. Parsons '07, W. L. L'Engle '06 S., and B. V. Tilson '08, defeated the University of Pennsylvania by over 20 yards.

During the past week preliminary announcement of the third Vanderbilt dormitory, the second building given to the Sheffield Scientific School by Mr. F. W. Vanderbilt, and now nearing completion, was made. Announcement was also made of the selection of Mr. L. Short as coach of the Dramatic Association.

On Wednesday evening, March 7, Mr. Heinrich Conried of New York, director of the Metropolitan Opera House and of the Irving Place Theatre, will present the sixth annual German play for the benefit of the German Seminary Library of Yale. Clyde Fitch, the American play-wright, lectured before the University last week on the subject, "The Play and the Public." Mr. Jones, the leading English dramatist, will lecture at Yale some time in April.
