The President and Follows have decided to establish a University Gazette, to be published once a week during term time as the authorized medium for official announcements. It will contain the University Calendar and much additional matter, including appointments of officers of instruction and government, and of standing committees; awards of fellowships, scholarships, and prizes; reports, of bequests, gifts, and other accessions to the resources of the University; and all acts and measures which it may be expedient to promulgate officially in order to give them full legal effect, such as amendments of, or additions to, the laws of the University, the offering of courses of instruction not announced in the University Catalogue, changes in tuition fees and laboratory fees. In addition the Gazette will contain monthly reports of titles of publications actually issued by teachers and students in each Department, School, or Scientific Establishment, including titles of important papers read before learned societies or other bodies but not otherwise published, occasional brief reports of noteworthy scientific achievements or of important papers read before learned societies or other bodies but not otherwise published, occasional brief reports of noteworthy scientific achievements or of important plans and undertakings in the field of scholarship and notices customarily issued by the several Deans and Secretaries, the Librarian, the Bursar, the Recorder, Chairmen of Committees, and other administrative officers, for the information and direction of members of the University.
The first issue of the Gazette will probably appear within a week, and it will be published thereafter every Friday during term-time. The University Calendar will cease to appear as a separate publication.
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University Calendar