

Leaves by Steamer at 3.--Itinerary and Final Arrangements.

The Harvard delegation to the fifth international convention of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions will start this afternoon for Nashville, Tennessee, where the convention will be held from Wednesday afternoon to Sunday evening. The delegates from the University will meet in the Square at 2 o'clock, and from there go to Battery Wharf, where they will leave at 3 o'clock on the steamer "Ontario," for Norfolk, Virginia. The boat will arrive in Norfolk early Monday morning.

Since the last announcement, the route from Norfolk to Nashville has been changed in order to secure a special car, quicker time, and better hours of departure and arrival. The party will travel in a special through Pullman sleeper from Norfolk to Nashville and return. They will leave Norfolk early Monday morning on the Seaboard Air Line for Atlanta, Georgia, where they will arrive at 7.40 o'clock Tuesday morning. Leaving at 8.45 o'clock, they will go to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where they will stop between trains to see Lookout Mountain and Chickamauga, and arrive at Nashville at 6.35 o'clock Wednesday morning.

The first session of the convention will be held in the Ryman Auditorium at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. There will be three sessions a day until Sunday evening, some of the sessions taking the form of sectional conferences. Professor E. C. Moore will be chairman of the faculty conference on Friday. There will be denominational conferences on Saturday afternoon.

During the convention, the men will be entertained by the citizens of Nashville. Mail should be addressed to The Harvard Delegation, care of F. P. Turner, Chamber of Commerce Building, Nashville.

On the return trip, the Harvard special car will leave Nashville at 2.24 o'clock, Monday morning. March 5, arrive in Atlanta at 10.24 o'clock, and in Norfolk at 8.20 o'clock Tuesday morning. The boat for Boston will sail at 6 o'clock the same evening, and arrive in Boston at about 8 o'clock on Thursday morning, March 8.


The following men from the University will go on the trip:

Law School--R. H. Oveson 1L.

Medical School--W. G. Hiltner 2M.

Graduate School--G. T. Stephenson 1G., K. T. Waugh 2G.

Divinity School--R. F. Leavens 3Dv.

Scientific School--W. K. Cabot '07, J. M. Groves '05, W. H. Keeling '07, D. J. Knowlton '08.

College--W. P. Anderton '08, F. B. Biddle '09, H. S. Blair '08, W. T. Bostwick '08, D. S. Brigham '08, C. W. Cate '07, K. Costikyan '09, G. Emerson '08, D. G. Field '07, R. B. Goodell '08, R. B. Gregg '07, H. F. Haddon '09, S. R. Harlow '08, G. James '08, J. P. Lane '07, J. B. Marsh '08, H. M. B. Ogilby '07, H. H. Perry '07, T. F. Savage '06, O. J. Shoonmaker '08, E. T. Wentworth '09, A. E. Wood '06.

Besides the 32 men above named, two other men will be taken by special arrangement, D. Grant '04, M. and W. J. Musgrove 1G.
