

Twelve Freshmen Among Those Retained. Work of Past Week.

A cut was made in the University baseball squad yesterday, and as a result 37 men are now holding daily practice in the Cage. Of this number 12 are Freshmen, more than have ever before been retained a this time of year. As no more cuts will be made until the southern trip in April all of these men have now an excellent opportunity to obtain a definite standing on the University squad. The entire squad is now divided as follows: fielders, 21; pitchers, 10; catchers, 6.

During the past week the men have practiced in squads; the pitchers and catchers doing battery work for the fielding candidates. There has been non curving, but special attention has been given to developing batters. Light work has also been held in fielding grounders and passing to first base.

With the squad reduced and more definitely graded, the work from now on will be more detailed, and instruction will be given in bunting, sliding bases, and second base work. Much attention will be paid to this preliminary work, which is very important in the development of a comparatively inexperienced team. With seven positions still unfilled to any degree of certainty, its importance cannot be overestimated.
