
New Plans of Alumni Association

The Alumni Association of Harvard College is working through its executive committee so to reconstruct its constitution and rules as to make it an efficient organization to handle questions, such as the better arrangement and management of Commencement, which it is impossible to deal with under the present constitution. Among the changes suggested are the following:

The enlargement of the Association by extending membership to graduates of the Lawrence Scientific School and of the Graduate School, and honorary membership with full privileges to all members of the faculty of Arts and Sciences, not otherwise members of the Association.

A broader representation, geographically, of directors, and their nomination by mail and election by the Australian ballot system in order that the body may be a representative gathering when needed for the discussion of live college subjects.

A closer relationship with all Harvard men whether or not organized in clubs, by the establishment by the executive committee of a headquarters, or graduate centre, in Boston, as near as possible to the offices of Harvard College, that office to serve as a general bureau of information in all matters pertaining to Harvard college, for the benefit and at the service of all members of the Association and the officers of the University; and the employment by the executive committee of an official, who may also be the Secretary, and who shall be a member of the Association, to have charge of this general office; and to solicit subscriptions for, and publish an alumni periodical; and to prepare and publish a general list of all living Harvard men.

The making of such arrangements by the executive committee as shall seem to them advisable for the suitable celebration of Commencement, for the conduct of forums and all gatherings of the alumni of Harvard College, for the management of all affairs which require organized effort by the alumni, and for proper representation from the alumni at functions and ceremonies.


Under the present constitution these amendments can only be adopted at the meeting on Commencement Day. Already expressions of opinion have been received from officers of most of the Harvard Clubs and from other alumni, but in order to obtain further expressions of opinion, a list of the proposed changes will be sent to all members of the Association.
