

Clean Game.--Team Plays Pennsylvania at Philadelphia Tonight.

PRINCETON, N. J., February 16.--The Harvard University basketball team defeated Princeton this afternoon by the score of 34 to 13. Princeton was completely outplayed and scored only two baskets from the floor. The game was very fast and cleanly played, the large number of fouls called being chiefly for minor offenses. The Harvard team, was in excellent condition and the men did some clever team work, besides keeping their opponents closely covered. Captain Griffiths was by far the most brilliant player of the game, using good judgment in passing, and completely baffling the Princeton players by his fast dribbling. He was also very accuracy in shooting fouls and on free tries added 10 points to Harvard's score. Brooks replaced him for the last five minutes of the game.

The University team took the lead at the very start and, at the end of the first, period, led by the score of 18 to 1. At the beginning of the second half the Harvard players relaxed, and Princeton took advantage of their carelessness to do most of its scoring. Harvard soon rallied, however, and by rapid scoring made the victory decisive.

The summary: HARVARD.  PRINCETON. Quigley, l.f.  r.g., Halliday Broun, r.f.  l.g., Bokum Amberg, c.  c., Clark Burnham, l.g.  r.f., Hooks, Gerhard, Kahler

Griffiths, Brooks, r.g. l.f., Vanderbilt

Score--Harvard, 34; Princeton, 13. Goals from floor--Griffiths 5, Amberg 3, Quigley, Broun, Brooks, Clark, Hooks. Goals from fouls--Griffiths 10, Broun 2, Vanderbilt 9. Fouls called on--Harvard, 22; Princeton, 19. Referee--Sharpe, Yale. Scorer--Bard. Timekeeper--W. A. Spencer '06. Time--20-minute halves.

Harvard vs. Pennsylvania.


The University basketball team will play its second game with the University of Pennsylvania, this evening at 8.30 o'clock in the gymnasium on Franklin Field, Philadelphia. This game is especially interesting as a victory for the University team would put Harvard at the head of the league, whereas a defeat would practically assure Pennsylvania of retaining first place. From comparative scores the latter team is easily the strongest in the league, and it won the first game against Harvard by the score of 13 to 9. Since that time, however, Harvard has made rapid progress and defeated by decisive scores every other team it has played. A close and exciting contest is thus assured and as the game is at Philadelphia the chances are slightly in favor of Pennsylvania.

The line-up follows:

HARVARD.  PENNSYLVANIA.Quigley, l.f.  r.g., McCruddenBroun, r.f.  l.g., KeifaberAmberg, c.  c., EhlersBurnham, l.g.  r.f., KeinathGriffiths, r.g.  l.f., Flint (capt.
