
Memorial Breakfast Hour Extended

Commencing this week the regular breakfast hour at Memorial Hall will be extended to 9.30. Until 10 o'clock breakfast will still be served in the small dining room as formerly, but without extra charge.

With the completion of the new 30-inch exhaust fan, which will be connected to the flue of the broiler in the serving room this week, steaks and chops will be broiled upstairs instead of being cooked downstairs, as formerly, and sent up to the steam tables to be kept warm until served, in the serving-room. This change will quicken and better the service on meat orders to a considerable extent. Two "Club Tables" are available for the second half-year, and will be assigned to the first two groups of men to apply. The management wish to call attention again to the fact that men who join the Association in the middle of a week are not charged for the elapsed fraction of the week in which they join.
