Harvard and Yale will meet in their seventeenth annual debate in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock this evening. The subject for the debate, which was submitted by Harvard, is: "Resolved, That further restriction of immigration is undesirable. By 'further restriction' is meant the application of additional tests with the object of diminishing materially the number of immigrants; but the nature and practicability of such tests are not to be discussed." Yale has chosen to argue the affirmative, and Harvard will therefore defend the negative.
The University will be represented by H. Hurwitz '08, A. H. Elder '07, and G. J. Hirsch '07, who will speak in the order named. The Yale team is made up of J. W. Murphy '08, J. C. Slade 3L. and E. H. Hart '07, who will also speak in that order. Each speaker will be allowed twelve minutes for a main speech in which to present his argument, and five minutes for rebuttal.
Professor George P. Baker will preside as chairman, and the judges will be: Hon. Edgar Aldrich of Littleton, N. H.; Hon. William B. Hornblower of New York, N. Y.; and Hon. William LeB. Putnam of Portland, Me. While the judges are deciding the debate the University Glee Club will sing.
Owing to the great demand for tickets, the University Debating Council has been unable to fill all the applications it has received, but an effort has been made to send tickets to all members of the University who applied for them. The tickets will not entitle the holders to reserved seats, but will admit to the sections of the theatre for which they are issued. The doors to the theatre will be opened at 7.15 o'clock.
The judges will be the guests of the Debating Council at dinner this evening, and after the debate there will be an informal reception to both the Yale and Harvard teams in the Trophy Room of the Union.
Development of the University Team.
The team that will represent the University in the debate is composed of effective debaters, two of them having had experience on University teams. All the speakers are undergraduates, and all have at some time won the Coolidge Prize for the best work in the trials for a University team. They will enter the debate with the prestige of 12 victories that Harvard has won in the 16 debates that have been held with Yale.
The trials for the team began on October 26, immediately after the subject was announced. On November 6 the team was definitely chosen, and a second team made up of F. W. Catlett '04, 3L., J. W. Russell '06, 21., and L. L. Sharfman '07 was also retained. F. W. Catlett later resigned and E. R. Lewis '08 was appointed in his place. On Wednesday evening, L. L. Sharfman '07 was appointed alternate. During the past month, the University team has been holding three practice debates each week with the second team, under the direction of the each, E. M. Rabenold '04, 3L.; and in the course of these debates, a strong case has been developed.
The Harvard Team.
Fenry Hurwitz '08, the first speaker on the University team, comes from Gloucester, Mass., where he prepared at the local High School. He was a first-group scholar in his Freshman and Sophomore years, but this is the first time he has made a debating team in the University. In the trials for the team he won the Coolidge Prize.
Alexander Harold Elder '07, of Somerville, Mass., the second speaker, prepared for College at the Cambridge High and Somerville Latin Schools. Although he took no active work in debating until his Junior year, this is his second University debate. Last fall he made his class team that defeated the Seniors, and in the spring he was a member of the team that defeated Yale. In the trials for the latter team he won the Coolidge Prize.
Gilbert Julius Hirsch '07, of New York City, will close the debate for Harvard. After a year at Columbia he entered College with the class of 1907, and has been actively connected with debating throughout his course. In his Freshman and Sophomore years he was a member of his class debating teams. During his Junior year he won the second prize in the Boylston Prize Speaking Contest, and he also won the Coolidge Prize in the trials for the team that debated against Princeton last year. This is his second University debate. He is vice-president of the University Debating Council.
The Yale Team.
Joseph William Murphy '08, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who will open the debate for Yale, was a member of his Freshman debating team, and in 1904 and 1905 was a member of the champion inter-department debating teams. Last spring he was alternate on the team which debated against Princeton. He was Fence Orator in his Freshman and Sophomore years, and is now assistant manager of the Yale University Debating Association. This is his first University debate.
John Carroll Slade 3L., of Kelloggsville, N. Y., is the second speaker on the Yale team. He has won a number of prizes for high scholarship, and in his Senior year was president of Phi Beta Kappa. He also took honors in his second year at the Law School. This is the first time he has been on a debating team at Yale.
Edward Henry Hart '07, who will close the debate for Yale, comes from Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a member of his class debating teams during his Freshman and Sophomore years, and in the latter he won the Thatcher Prize for the best undergraduate debating in the trials for the team against Harvard, on which he was alternate. Last year he spoke on the team that debated against Harvard in New Haven, and this is therefore his second University debate. He is resident and manager of the Yale Deleting Association this year, and is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, an editor of the Yale Daily News, and Class Orator.
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