Wednesday, December 5.
*SEMITIC CONFERENCE. "South-Arabian Discoveries." Dr. H. H. Haynes. Semitic Museum, Room 2, 4.30 P. M.
*BOTANICAL CLUB. "Spore-formation in Derbesia." Dr. B. M. Davis. Nash Lecture Room, 4.45 P. M.
*NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. "Some Notes and Photographs of Colorado Birds." Mr. J. W. Eggleston. Committee Room, Harvard Union, 8 P. M.
*READING FROM WITS AND HUMORISTS. V. "Mark Twain and Other American Writers." Mr. Copeland. Sever 11, 8 P. M.
*LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA. "'Quien supiera escribir'; y lecturas de Martinez de la Rosa." Craigie 102, 8 P. M.
**MUSICAL CLUB CONCERT. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 P. M. Tickets on sale at the University Bookstore.
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