
Lowell Lectures in Boston Today

Professor William James '69 will deliver a lecture on "Pragmatism and Humanism," in Huntington Hall, Boston, at 8 o'clock this evening. This lecture is the seventh of a course of eight Lowell Institute lectures by Professor James on the general subject: "The Movement Called 'Pragmatism' in Modern Philosophy." The last lecture in the course will be delivered Saturday at the same place and hour on "Pragmatism and Religion." Tickets for the course may be obtained free at the Rogers Building, 491 Boylston street, Boston.

Professor Barrett Wendell '77 will deliver a lecture on "The Relation of Literature to Life," in Huntington Hall Boston, this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. This is the fifth of a course of eight Lowell Institute lectures on "Contemporary France" given by Professor Wendell on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons as a repetition of the course given on Monday and Thursday evenings. Tickets for these lectures may be obtained free of charge at the door before the beginning of each lecture.
