
Camera Club Exhibition in January

The annual exhibition of the Camera Club will be held from Tuesday, January 15, to Thursday, January 24, inclusive, in the Museum Room of Robinson Hall. It will be open daily, except Sunday, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7.30 to 10 P. M. All prints for the exhibition must be handed to F. F. Marshall, 12 Sumner street, before 6 P. M., January 6.

According to the conditions of the exhibition, the exposure must be the work of the exhibitor, but he may have all other work done for him. All prints must be mounted and marked on the back with the title, the exhibitor's name, and the amount of work done by him. In case of a tie, preference will be given to the man who has done all his own work. No man may exhibit more than 25 prints.

First, second and third prize cups and not more than five "honorable mention" ribbons will be awarded. The prizes are for the best exhibits taken as a whole, the "honorable mention" for single pictures. The first selection of prints for the intercollegiate exhibition will be made at this annual local exhibition. All members of the University are invited to take part in this competition.

The exhibition will close Thursday evening, January 24, with a criticism of the pictures by one of the judges.

The intercollegiate exhibition in which Harvard, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Dartmouth will take part will begin in April. The judging of the pictures will be done at Philadelphia, and the prints will then be exhibited at the different universities in the competition. Pennsylvania won first prize in the exhibition last year and Harvard second.
