
University Hockey Schedule

The University hockey schedule includes 12 games all but three of which are to be played at Cambridge. The three games which will be played away from Cambridge are league matches with Yale, Princeton and Columbia at the St. Nicholas Rink, New York.

The two best games at Cambridge will be the league game with Dartmouth and the game with McGill University. As Harvard teams have won the intercollegiate championship for the last five years and McGill University has the strongest team among the Canadian colleges, this game should be an interesting one.

Season tickets admitting to all games in Cambridge and giving the holders a preference in applications for games in New York may be purchased for $1 each.

The schedule is as follows:

January 5--Brae Burn Country Club.


January 9--Institute of Technology.

January 12--Columbia at New York.

January 16--Springfield Training School.

January 19--Princeton at New York.

January 23--Andover.

January 26--Graduates.

January 29--Newtowne Club.

February 2--St. Nicholas Club.

February 7--Dartmouth.

February 9--McGill University.

February 16--Yale at New York.

Unless otherwise specified all games will be held in Cambridge.
