
New Books in Union Library

The following books have been added to the Union Library during the past week:

"Dramatic Opinions and Essays," by G. B. Shaw.

"Goethes Samtliche Werke," vol. 29.

"The Hope of Immortality," by C. F. Dole '68, presented by the author.

"Klug Philip's War," by G. W. Ellis and J. E. Morris.


"A Lady of Rome," by F. M. Crawford.

"Minerva: Jahrbuch der Gelehrten Well." 1906-07, by K. Trubner.

"The National Sports of Great Britain," by H. Alken.

"New Views of Dalton's Atomic Theory," by R. E. Roscoe and A. Harden, presented by the authors.

"The Romantic Composers," by D. G. Mason '95.

"The Women of the Confederacy," by J. L. Underwood, presented by Professor C. H. Toy h.'04.
