
Contents of December Monthly

The December number of the Monthly, which is issued today, contains the following articles: "A New Gymnasium," by G. Emerson '08; "Saint Bridget," by C. T. Ryder '06; "The Eternal Masculine," by E. B. Sheldon '08; "Peter Pan," by R. E. Rogers '09; "Dubussy: An Appreciation," by R. L. Sweet '08; "Christmas Hymn," by H. Hagedorn, Jr., '07; "Four-Leaved Clovers," by J. L. Price '07; "Twenty-One," by H. A. Bellows '06; "On Book-Agents," by J. T. Addison '09; "Her Soul and the Sea," by W. H. Wright sC.; "The Quality of Romance," by V. W. Brooks '08; "A Russian Jew on Christmas," by A. Davis '07; "A Study in Yellow," by G. A. Seabury '07; "On the Rhine," by C. W. Stalk '03; "The Travel Papers of Arminius, IV, Concerning Certain Varieties of Travelers, Mostly Disagreeable;" "Lancelot," by H. W. Bell '07; "The Boy Will," by R. E. Rogers '09; "Monotones," by R. M. Arkush '07; "Phantasmia," by J. H. Wheelock '08; "Personal Research," by D. Carb '09; "Seeing Dresden," by R. Altrocchi '08; Editorial.
