[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
In spite of the request of the Senior Nomination Committee that there be no electioneering at the Class Day elections, the Committee has received evidence that canvassing has been carried on for certain candidates. The candidate who allows or encourages electioneering is manifestly unfair to the other candidates and to the class. It is of the utmost importance that the vote of every Senior who goes to the polls today shall not be influenced by politics or by social affiliations, but solely by the personal merits of the candidates. And it is doubtful whether any man who has allowed electioneering in his own behalf is a fit candidate for the last honors which the class can bestow. R. L. BACON. E. L. BURNHAM. H. FOSTER, JR. S. T. GANO. R. B. GREGG. G. J. HIRSCH. J. H. IJAMS. W. MINOT. J. M. MORSE. J. REYNOLDS, JR. D. W. STREETER.
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