Association foatball has been discontinued until next spring, when practice for the University team will be resumed on Soldiers Field.
In spite of the defeat by Hartford in the championship game, the University association football season has been very encouraging. Candidates for the team reported for the first practice on November 5, Although severely handicapped by the absence of several of the best men until after the close of the football season individually the team developed rapidly. The first league game was with Columbia, December 1, and was won by the score of 1 to 0. Cornell was defeated under adverse conditions in the second game on December 3 by the score of 5 to 1. By means of excellent individual playing, the University team held the fast Haverford eleven down to a score of 2 to 1 last week, and would have won the game with anything like the team work of their opponents.
With the added experience of the work this fall and more time to develop effective team play the University team next spring should be unusually strong.
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