With the close of the football season the interest of the university has begun to centre chiefly upon the minor sports of the winter,--basketball and hockey. On Saturday, December 1, the university basketball team played a the game with the Newport Naval Reserves at Newport, R. I., the score being 22 to 22. On the following Monday night the team defeated that of Company G, Third Infantry, at Norwalk, Conn., in a fast game by the score of 27 to 16. The third game of the season, against Easthampton, was played on Saturday night and resulted in a victory for Yale's opponents, the score being 36 to 18.
On Friday the first practice for the university hockey team was held on Dickerman's Pond. A large squad of candidates reported and the three-quarters of an hour of scrimmage showed up much promising material. The Sheffield tennis courts are to be flooded to afford a more centrally located place for practice, and two trips will be made to the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, for practice before Christmas.
On Friday evening, in College Street Hall, the French club presented two productions in French, Tristan Bernard's "L'Anglais tel qu'on le Parle" and Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme." These plays were remarkably well presented; the staging, costumes, interpretation of parts, and pronunciation were all good and the productions met with an enthusiastic reception.
The Yale association football club played its first home game on Saturday, December 8, at Yale Field with Springfield Training School and was defeated by the score of 4 to 1. Negotiations are being carried on with the University of Pennsylvania for a game to be played at Philadelphia on Saturday, December 15.
On Wednesday evening the first half of the annual gymnastic contest for the university "Y" and freshman class numerals was held on the floor of the gymnasium. The field of entries was large and E. C. Butler '07s., captain of the university gymnastic team, scored the greatest number of points, with A. C. Gilbert '08m.s., winner of last year's contest, second.
The New Haven Oratorio Society, accompanied by the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, gave its first concert of this season in Woolsey Hall on Thursday evening when Wagner's "Lohengrin was rendered. The chorus numbered about 250 and the leading roles were taken by six noted oratorio soloists.
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Invitations to 1908 Union Dance