NEW YORK, Nov. 30.--At a meeting of the representatives of the Intercollegiate Hockey Association held this evening at the St. Nicholas Rink the resignation of Brown was accepted and Dartmouth was admitted provisionally for one year to fill the vacancy.
It was voted that in case of a tie game, an extra period of 10 minutes must be played, and it the score is still a tie another period of 10 minutes must be played. Freshmen were debarred from University teams, but it was voted that graduates, taking special courses should be allowed to play. In all future contests of the association there will be two referees; one to follow the play, and the other to look out for fouls. Any player throwing the puck will be put out of the game for three minutes.
The following officers for the ensuing year were elected: president, D. Wagstaff '05; secretary and treasurer, B. S. Prentice '05.
This year Harvard will be entitled to 300 seats at the Yale game instead of 100 seats as formerly, and also two-fifths of the seats at all other games in New York.
The following schedule was arranged:
January 5--Dartmouth vs. Princeton.
January 12--Harvard vs. Columbia.
January 15--Yale vs. Dartmouth.
January 18--Columbia vs. Dartmouth.
January 19--Harvard vs. Princeton.
January 26--Yale vs. Columbia.
January 26--Harvard vs. Dartmouth at Cambridge.
February 9--Yale vs. Princeton.
February 15--Harvard Vs. Yale.
Unless otherwise specified all games will be played at the St. Nicholas Rink New York.
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