The annual clothing, book, and magazine collection of the Social Service Committee will begin today. Collectors will canvass their territories thoroughly before Saturday night, and the whole collection will be brought together by wagon next Monday. Any men who may be overlooked are requested to leave what they have to give with the men in charge of their dormitories, whose names are given below. Men living in private houses who have articles to give are asked to send a postal to C. Woodman '07, Phillips Brooks House.
The men in charge of the various dormitories are as follows: Beck -- G. L. Foote '08; Claverly -- G. Mixter '08; Dana Chambers -- G. Bradford '10; Dunster -- J. B. Chevalier '08; Fairfax -- R. B. Goodell '08; Grays -- F. S. Montgomery '08; Hampden -- G. G. Glass '08; Hollis -- R. B. Gregg '07; Holworthy -- G. A. Rivinius 1L; Holyoke street -- H. S. Blair '09; Matthews -- E. R. Brumley '07; Mt. Auburn street -- I. G. Stetson '07; Randolph -- H. S. Waite '09; Ridgely -- M. W. Weeks '10; Russell Annex -- J. B. Marsh '08; Stoughton -- S. T. Gano '07; Thayer -- G. W. Bailey '07; Wadsworth -- C. Woodman '07; Weld -- R. W. Fisher '08; Westmorly -- W. T. Pickering '09.
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