
Yale Letter

After Saturday's game, a banquet was tendered the football team, substitutes and coaches at the New Haven House by the football management. Speeches were made by the members of the team and a number of former Yale players, and the second team was toasted in recognition of its good work throughout the season.

Candidates for the university basketball team were called out early in the week and are now having daily practice in the gymnasium.

The National Civil Service Reform League met in New Haven on the first three days of last week. At a meeting held in Woolsey Hall last Tuesday President Hadley presided and speeches were made by Dr. Daniel C. Gilman, president of the league, and the Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte, Secretary of the Navy.

The November meeting of the Yale Corporation was held last Monday. The Hon. William H. Taft, Secretary of War, who was elected to the Corporation by the graduates last June was present. Announcement was made of a gift of $50,000 to establish a new professorship in medicine, and of several changes in the requirements for admission to the medical school.
