
Meeting of Educational Congress

The meeting of the Social Education Congress will begin in Boston today at 9.30 o'clock. Both the section meetings and mass meetings of the Congress will be open to the public.

All the morning, from 9.30 to 12 o'clock, will be devoted to section meetings. The subject of "Social Training in Infancy and Early Childhood" will be discussed in Lorimer Hall, Tremont Temple, and papers will be read by many prominent women. In Chipman Hall, Tremont Temple, the subject of "Commercial Education" will be discussed. "Health Education" will be the subject of the section meeting to be held at Boston University, 12 Somerset street, Boston. Dr. D. A. Sargent will read a paper on "The Health Education League" at this meeting. The subject of the "Massachusetts State Teachers' Association" will be discussed in Huntington Hall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. These section meetings will all be held at the same time.

In the afternoon at 2 o'clock in Tremont Temple, a mass meeting will be held on the subject of "Education for Citizenship. President Eliot will speak at this mass meeting, as will also Governor Guild, Mayor Fitzgerald, President Jordan of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University, and the Hon. G. H. Martin, State Secretary of Education.

In the evening at 7.45 in Tremont Temple, another mass meeting will be held on the subject of "The School as a Social Organism." Many noted men will also speak at this evening session.
