
Agora Won Inter-Club Debate

The first of a series of three inter-club debates between the Agora and the Forum, held in Dane Hall last evening, was won by the Agora team, made up of J. S. Davis '08, T. H. O'Neil '07, and H. T. Viets '09. They supported from choice the negative side of the following question: "Resolved. That the trade union principle of the closed shop should be maintained." P. B. Carter '08, R. E. Hoguet '08, and A. E. Pinanski '08, of the Forum spoke on the affirmative. The judges were S. Curtis 2G.; J. A. Field '03, and W. M. Shohl 21. M. C. Leekner '07, president of the University Debating Council, acted as chairman.

The Agora team was awarded the decision because of its ability to meet the arguments presented by the affirmative and to conclusively refute them, point by point, by indisputable authority. The greatest strength of the Forum speakers lay in their power of presenting, and following out concisely their constructive case.
