

For Princeton This Afternoon.--Prospects for Wednesday's Race Only Fair.

The University cross-country team will leave for Princeton this afternoon to compete in the eighth annual intercollegiate cross-country run, which will be held over the Princeton course Wednesday afternoon. Besides Harvard, teams have been entered from Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cornell has won the championship for the last four years, and is expected to win again this year. Last year the University team was a close second, but, judging from the race with Technology on November 16, is not as strong as last year.

Since the race with Technology the work of the team has been light, except on last Friday, when a run of nine miles was taken. Tomorrow the team will walk over the Princeton course, which is six miles long.

The team is composed of: W. Minot '07, captain, M. S. Crosby '08, R. W. Fisher '08, H. F. Hadden '09, N. Hedin '08, W. G. Howard '07, H. W. King '08. Manager J. J. Rowe '07, assistant manager G. Emerson '08 and coach Lathrop will accompany the team.
