The December number of the Monthly, which appears today, contains the following articles: "Is the Interchange of Professors with Germany a Success?," by Professor Kuno Francke; "Arlin, the Thief," by H. A. Bellows '06; "Sonoratown," by W. H. Wright sC.; "The Poetry of Edward Rowland Sill," by H. E. Cory 1G.; "Sea-Mist," by J. H. Wheelock '08; "The Travel Papers of Arminius, III--Concerning a Paradise or Two;" "When Granada Came to Almeria," by R. Altrocchi '08; "On a Sundial," by C. H. Dickerman '07; "The Tale of the Holen Squad," by H. Hagedorn, Jr., '07; "The Vision of Fulfilled Desire," by R. J. Walsh '07; "On the First Movement of Mahler's Fifth Symphony," by H. W. Bell '07; Editorial, Book Notices.
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