

Met Yesterday in Brooks House.--Extra Session in Evening.--Today's Program.

Two sessions of the conference of the Association of American Universities were held yesterday. An extra session was also held last night at 8.30 o'clock on the subject of "Pensions for College Officers." No papers were presented at this session, but a general discussion was conducted. All the twenty-four delegates from the sixteen institutions represented were present at the opening session. Yale University, whose delegate had not been announced up to the last minute, was represented by Professor E. P. Morris. President Hadley will attend the conference today.

At the first session of the conference at 10 o'clock papers were presented on behalf of Clark University by Professor G. S. Hell, and for the University of Wisconsin by Professor G. C. Comstock, on "The Appointment and Obligations of Graduate Fellows." A discussion of the question followed the reading of the papers.

Over forty sat down to luncheon in Memorial Hall at 1 o'clock. The space occupied by four tables had been cleared, and one large table in tae shape of an open square was prepared. Besides the regular delegates there were about fif- teen invited guests, among whom were J. D. White '07 and W. Clark 2L., president of the Harvard Dining Association.

At the afternoon session papers were presented on behalf of Harvard University by President C. W. Eliot, and for the University of Virginia by Dr. J. W. Page on "The Exemption of Educational Institutions from Taxation." President Eliot's paper was in effect the same as one which he delivered before the Massachusetts Legislature in opposition to a bill on the taxation of educational institutions, and which will shortly be published. A discussion followed the reading of the papers.

The reception by the delegates to all the students in Harvard who came from any of the institutions represented, took place yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Union. This reception, which was entirely informal, gave a chance to the men in the University from other institutions to meet the presidents and professors here at the conference.


Program for Today.

The following is the program for today:

9 A. M.--Meeting of the Executive Committee.

10 A. M.--THIRD SESSION. "Should Men Bearing the Same Title in any Institution Receive the Same Pay?" Papers will be presented on behalf of Leland Stanford, Junior, University, by President D. S. Jordan; for the University of Michargan, by Professor H. B. Hutchins.

1 P. M.--Luncheon in the Union
