PEQUOT CLUB, MORRIS COVE, Nov. 22.--The Harvard football squad, accompanied by coaches Reid, Brown, Lewis; Cutts and White, and Doctors Nichols and Smith, reached New Haven at 12.55 o'clock, and went immediately to the Pequot House by a special car.
Long signal practice was engaged in this afternoon at 4 o'clock in a canvas enclosed field near the quarters. The work was full of life and the men seemed to be in excellent condition. The weather is very bracing and good for sharp practice.
After the signal practice the whole squad, including Kersburg, ran about a mile on the beach in front of the club house. Kersburg's leg is much improved and will probably be in fairly good shape on Saturday. He was in signal practice for half an hour, being then replaced by Gilmore. Captain Foster played through the entire practice. The line-up for signal practice was as follows: The squad is composed of the following men: Apollonio, Bird, Brock, Burr, Cate, Foster, Fraser, Gilder, Gilmore, Hall, Hoar, Inches, Kennard, Kersburg, Lincoln, Lockwood, MacDonald, Mason, Newhall, Nourse, Orr, Osborne, Parker, Peirce, Rand, Starr, Warren, Wendell.
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