
Review of Lampoon Football Number

The football number of the Lampoon, out today, has a cover that is attractive as well as striking. The brilliant central figure, though it may predominate too complacently, shows that the Lampoon believes only in victory. The chief illustration, "Football under the New Rules," also will hold the attention. Here, however, the cartoonist seems to have forgotten his mission; carried away by his humor he derides the very rules that assure Harvard cleaner sport and a game. Of the many smaller drawings undoubtedly the best is that signed M. O. in monogram.

A feature that will please those used to Mr. Dooley's spelling is the two-page article on the Harvard-Yale Debate in French. It is to be hoped that the Lampoon will continue to show us up in longer articles of this sort; but care should be taken that in their caricature undergraduate opinion is reflected rather than distorted.
