
Meeting of Educational Congress

The Social Education Congress is to be held in Tremont Temple, Boston, this year on November 30, December 1 and 2. This proposed Congress is to emphasize the need of increased efficiency in social and industrial training. A number of educational organizations will cooperate with the Congress and a great number of men and women from different parts of the country will speak.

Professor P. H. Hanus, who is also secretary of the Harvard Teachers' Association, is a member of the Executive Committee, and President Eliot and Dr. D. A. Sargent will be among the speakers. Several other presidents and professors from various universities will also speak.

Two classes of meetings will be held; general mass meetings in the afternoons and evenings devoted to educational topics, and section meetings in the mornings on more particular and special topics.

Further information will be furnished upon application to the corresponding secretary, Frank Waldo, Rogers Building, Institute of Technology.
