
Presentation of Filley Cups Tonight

The Filley cups will be presented to the Claverly crew tonight at 9.30 o'clock. Professor W. H. Schofield will entertain in the Claverly Common Room all men living in Claverly, the members of the University crew and members of all the dormitory crews that competed in the bumping races. B. A. G. Fuller '00 will make the presentation.

The cups have been given to encourage and perpetuate the secondary fall rowing, whether it consists of inter-dormitory bumping races or some other form of rowing competition. The success of the bumping races this fall, however, was so pronounced that the rowing authorities will strive to encourage the fall rowing along these lines rather than in various other ways which have been used in former years. One of the cups is a perpetual challenge cup, to be competed for each year; the other will become the permanent property of Claverly.
