

In Living Room of Union at 7.30.--Coach Reid and Foster will Speak.

The last football mass meeting of the season will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 7.30 o'clock. J. D. White '07 will preside and will lead the cheering. W. T. Reid, Jr., '01, and Captain Foster will speak on the past work of the team and the prospects for Saturday's game.

The two new songs, "Harvard's Victory" and "The Gridiron King," which the football songs committee has decided to use at the Yale game, will be given a final trial, and the song meeting with the most approval at this mass meeting will be declared the winner of the competition. The familiar old football songs will also be sung. The student band, which will accompany the team to New Haven, will play, and long and short cheers will be practiced. By rule of the Governing Board of the Union no ladies will be allowed to be present.

All members of the University are urged to learn before the meeting the words of the old football songs and the two new ones.

This meeting will be open to all members of the University.
