
Result of Sophomore Elections

At the Sophomore elections yesterday the following men were elected officers of the class for the ensuing year: president, L. K. Lunt; vice-president, E. T. Wentworth; secretary, E. P. Currier.

The total number of votes for president was 333; for vice-president, 325; for secretary, 325. The number of votes cast for each man was as follows: president--L. K. Lunt, 275; R. M. Faulkner, 58; vice-president--E. T. Wentworth, 173; T. C. Defriez, 2nd., 152; secretary, E. P. Currier, 231; G. C. Good, 94.

Lunt, the new president, comes from Colorado Springs, Colorado, and prepared for College at Middlesex School. Last year he rowed number 6 on the Freshman crew.

Wentworth, vice-president, of Batavia, New York, prepared for College at Mount Hermon School, Northfield, Massachusetts. He was a member of the Freshman debating team.

Currier, secretary, comes from Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts, and prepared for College at Wellesley High School. Last year he played catcher on the University baseball team.
