
Gymnastic Meeting and Plans

At a meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Gymnasts of America it was decided to hold the intercollegiate gymnastic championships at the University of Pennsylvania on March 22. Several plans were discussed for a uniform apparatus to be used at all meets of the association in the future. Hitherto there has been no prescription as to the height of the horse or bars, and G. F. Evans 1Dv. was instructed to submit to the association, at its next meeting, a complete set of dimensions for all the apparatus used in the meets of the association. If these dimensions are approved, they will be considered as the standard measurements for such apparatus used by the association.

Although the candidates will not be called out until the first of next month, many of last year's gymnastic team are now practicing regularly. The officers of the association this year as follows: president, G. F. Evans 1Dv.; vice-president, E. W. MacCabe of Princeton; secretary, E. E. Krauss of the University of Pennsylvania; treasurer, R. C. Masterton of Columbia.
