At a meeting of the Junior class last night in Upper Massachusetts the proposed changes in the constitution abolishing the nominating committee, were adopted with the amendment, that four men should be nominated for each office instead of three, as originally proposed. Nominations were made from the floor according to the new constitution.
The following men were nominated: for president--G. Emerson, H. M. Gilmore, B. Parker, E. T. Witherby; for vice-president--J. L. Derby, G. G. Glass, C. C. Pell, J. Richardson; for secretary--H. V. Amberg, C. W. Burton, W. B. Comstock, J. S. Davis.
Additional nominations may be made by petition of 50 members of the class not later than two days before the election, which will be held on Thursday, November 8, by Australian ballot from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
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