
Appointments by the Corporation

At a recent meeting of the Corporation the following appointments were made for one year from September 1, 1906: J. A. Furbish D.M.D., C. M. Pope D.M.D. '04, L. A. Rogers D.M.D. '02, Instructors in Mechanical Dentistry; C. M. Smith M.D. '94--Instructor in Syphilis; H. A. Stone D.M.D. '03--Instructor in Extracting and Anaesthesia; A. I. Andrews Ph.D.--Assistant in History; H. A. Bellows '06, W. B. Blake '05, A. Brooks '05, S. P. Chase A.M., R. W. Coues A.M. '95, L. Hatch A.M. '05, L. Lewis '01, W. L. Stoddard 1G., W. E. McNeill '02--Assistants in English; A. L. Mayer 1L.--Assistant in Social Ethics; H. R. Shipherd '08--Assistant in English; F. L. Thompson--Assistant in History. D. P. Lockwood A.M. '03 was appointed Proctor for the remainder of the current academic year. The resignation of A. F. Lemberger 2L. as proctor for 1906-07, was received and accepted.
