

Three Touchdowns and Field Goal Scored on Seconds. Open Playn Worked Well.

In the secret football practice yesterday the University eleven scored three touchdowns and a goal from the field on the second team in a 30-minute period of scrimmage. The University team showed excellent team play at times, followed the ball well, and were generally effective. Newhall kicked the goal from the field from the 25-yard line, although two or three men broke through and nearly blocked the ball. Osborne and Peirce played exceptionally well, and Wendell, Lincoln, and Newhall did good work. Captain Foster and Starr were not in the scrimmage, and will not play in the Dartmouth game on Saturday, the former on account of his slightly stiff ankle, the later on account of a slight injury to his shoulder received in the Carlisle game. MacDonald was not in the scrimmage because of a slight bruise. Parker kicked two out of three tries for goals from touchdowns.

In the preliminary work Burr, Parker, and Starr practiced goal kicking, and later Burr and Parker tried a few place kicks which were fairly successful. The backs had a thorough drill in catching the ball; the linemen received considerable coaching in their respective positions, and the ends ran down the field under a few points. Hereafter the field will be covered with hay every night in order to keep out of the frost.

Newhall received Blanchard's kick-off and ran back 25 yards to the middle of the field. After a double exchange of kicks Osborne made a fair catch near the middle of the field, and Burr narrowly missed a goal from the field. Wendell ran back the kick-out from mid-field to the 35-yard line. Parker recovered the ball on an onside kick on the 28-yard line, Orr gained 18 yards on a forward pass, and Wendell made the first touchdown in two rushes.

Lincoln secured the second touchdown after the ball had been kicked up and down the field several times. Osborne finally made a fair catch on the 35-yard line, and the ball was soon rushed over for the second score. Shortly after the third kick-off Newhall tried a drop kick from the 25-yard line which was successful. The third and last touchdown was made by Wendell after the University eleven had several times made advantageous use of the forward pass and the onside kick. After the scrimmage, there was a short line-up between the University team substitutes and the second eleven for practice in drop kicking, Hall and Kennard doing the kicking.

The line-up for scrimmage follows: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Bird, l.e.  r.e., Appleton Osborne, l.t.  r.t., Gilbert Burr, l.g.  r.g., Alley Parker, c.  c., Plumb, Irving Kersburg, r.g.  l.g., Burns Peirce, r.t.  l.t., Blanchard Orr, r.e.  l.e., Hopewell, Kennard Newhall, q.b.  q.b., Adams Mason, l.h.  r.h., Howes, Greenebaum Lincoln, r.h.  l.h., Graydon Wendell, f.b.  f.b., Somes
