A history of the Harvard Medical School, from its founding in 1782 to the present day, has been recently edited and printed by subscription for private distribution.
The volume contains a history of the development of the School as a whole, the location of the buildings occupied by it, a history of the departments in the order of their establishment, an account of the Warren Anatomical Museum, a description of the new buildings, and other incidentals, such as a list of the faculty and instructors for the present year. The book is illustrated with heliotype reproductions of the various buildings occupied by the School, and with portraits of people associated with it.
Following is a list of the buildings where the School was situated throughout its history: in Cambridge--1782, Harvard Hall; 1783, Holden Chapel; in Boston--1810, 49 Marlborough street, now 400 Washington street; 1816, a building expressly erected for the School on Mason street, now occupied by the Boston School Committee; 1847, the building now occupied by the Harvard Dental School on North Grove street; 1883, the building vacated on the corner of Boylston and Exeter streets; 1906, the new buildings on Longwood avenue.
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