[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:--
Many of the best seats for the Indian game last Saturday got into the hands of speculators. These seats were put on sale as usual in Cambridge and Boston, and were sold only to Harvard men. Within two hours after the sale they were seen in the hands of speculators, both in Cambridge and Boston. Such a condition of affairs is much to be deplored and it is hard to realize that Harvard men could be guilty of such misdemeanors. Nevertheless, it seems necessary before the Dartmouth tickets are put on sale, to caution Harvard men against a repetition of such a practice.
Every Harvard man should feel responsible for the tickets allotted to him. He should in no case buy more tickets than he and his intimate friends expect to use, and he should use every effort to see that tickets do not get into the hands of persons who afterwards would offer them for sale. At last Saturday's game many Harvard graduates were unable to see the game because there were no tickets. The reason there were no tickets was because of the dishonorable practice of some men to whom tickets were sold.
In behalf of the undergraduates of the University we ask for the co-operation of every man to do his best to assist in keeping tickets out of the hands of speculators. H. S. THOMPSON '99, Graduate Manager. J. D. WHITE '07. G. G. BACON '08. F. H. BURR '09.
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