Radcliffe College, which was given $75,000 some time ago by Andrew Carnegie for a library, on condition of raising an endowment fund for the same amount, has succeeded by subscriptions and proceeds from plays in swelling the sum to a little over that required. Another fund of $20,000 is in process of raising for the furnishings of the library, of which $5000 has already been raised by subscriptions. It is intended to give an operetta this year as formerly in conjunction with graduates of Radcliffe and Harvard to aid in making up the amount. Last year the operetta, "The Pirates of Penzance," netted over $2000 for the endowment fund.
New Dormitory at Radcliffe.
Work has just been started on the foundation of a new dormitory for Radcliffe College, which has been presented by Mrs. David P. Kimball, who also gave Bertram Hall. It is situated at the corner of Shepard and Walker streets, and will be built in the same style as the former dormitory, with accommodation for 40 to 45 students. The building will probably be ready for occupancy next autumn.
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