

Fumbles and Penalties Frequent Because of Wet Field.--Starr Tried at End.

In spite of the rain yesterday afternoon which made the field extremely slippery, the University football squad had a fairly long scrimmage. In the first half, which was of 20 minutes duration, the University eleven scored one touchdown on the second team. Foster made the only score after gaining 20 yards on a forward pass by Newhall. Later the first team substitutes and the second eleven had a 15-minute scrimmage in which Hall made the only touchdown for the substitutes on a 95-yard quarter-back run. The game was very open, more than half the plays being forward passes or onside kicks. These plays were used to much greater advantage by the University eleven than by the second team, but it was impossible for either eleven to carry the ball any great distance by steady gains on account of the frequent fumbles and penalties, the first due to the slippery condition of the ball, the second to the insecure footing. Starr was tried at end, a position which he filled very satisfactorily. Foster, Newhall, Osborne, and Kennard, however, played the best game for the University team. Osborne ran the ball back 55 yards to the opponent's 40-yard line on the second kick-off. Burr kicked the goal from the touchdown for the first team, but no attempt at goal was made after the touchdown scored by the University team substitutes on the second team.

The preliminary practice, which lasted only 25 minutes, was devoted mostly to signal work, three elevens being formed from the whole squad. At first the linemen had practice tackling a runner in the open field, while Foster gave the backs a chance to get practice in running down the field under punts. Later the two squads changed places. Lincoln, who injured himself slightly in Tuesday's practice, will not be able to play for some time.

The line-up for scrimmage follows: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Kennard, l.e.  r.e., Bfrd Osborne, l.t.  r.t., Philippbar Burr, l.g.  r.g., Brook Fraser, c.  c., Dore Kersburg, r.g.  l.g., O'Hare Inches, r.t.  l.t., Blanchard Starr, r.e.  l.e., Moore Newhall, q.b.  q.b., Adams Foster, l.h.  r.h., Howes Lockwood, r.h.  l.h., Gilder Wendell, f.b.  f.b., Somes
