About twenty men reported for the first football practice of the season which took place on September 19 and the number of candidates has been steadily increasing since that time. The squad, however, is smaller than it has been for years. The coaching has been done by F. H. Rockwell '06, who has been assisted by numerous graduates. The first game of the season will be played today against Wesleyan.
During the summer extensive building operations have been underway. Progress on the new building presented to the Sheffield Scientific School by Mr. F. W. Vanderbilt has been somewhat retarded by labor troubles, but the building will probably be completed within a few weeks. Work on the new Ross Library is progressing steadily, but the date of its completion is still some months distant. Other improvements now in process of construction are the alteration of the basement of Dwight Hall into a lunch room with recreation rooms attached, the additional story which is being put on Kent Laboratory, and an addition to the Infirmary.
In accordance with the plan adopted last year, every member of the sophomore class has been assigned to a member of the Faculty, who will act as personal adviser.
The report of Mr. Lee McClung, the Treasurer of Yale University, was made public during the week. The consolidated income and expense account shows that the income of the university has increased from about $902,000 to about $980,000. The total gifts to the University for the year amount to $1,107,205.73.
As usual, the annual rush between members of the sophomore and freshman classes in the academic department was held on the night before the opening of college and that between members of the junior and freshman classes of the Sheffield Scientific School on last Saturday night. In both cases the upper class men were victorious.
The Yale Alumni Weekly, the official organ of the graduates of the university, has passed into the hands of C. S. Day, Jr., of New York, who has chosen E. S. Oviatt, of New Haven to act as manager and editor.
Considerable changes have been made in the entrance requirements to the Law School. Beginning with the fall of 1909 all candidates for admission must have successfully performed the equivalent of at least two years, work of collegiate grade.
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