The University football team defeated Bowdoin yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by the score of 10 to 0, making a goal from placement in the middle of the first half and a touchdown after a few minutes of play in the second. As a whole the game was not very good football, but at times there were some brilliant features, such as tackles and forward passes. Several penalties were inflicted for tripping, holding and offside play, most of which were against the University eleven. Neither team could gain its 10 yards consistently, so that much kicking occurred, in which the University team had a decided advantage, both Burr and Foster punting over 60 yards repeatedly. Fraser, who played centre in place of Parker, was very steady in his passing and held his ground well in the line. Both Macdonald and Burnham appeared to good advantage at end, Burnham, in particular, marking an extra long gain in the second half on a forward pass. There were a number of fumbles throughout the game, and the University team often failed to fall on the ball properly. The quarterback kick was used but little. On the offense the University team was weak at first, but braced later, while the secondary defense was at all times very strong. The Bowdoin team was extremely fast, but too light to make steady gains through the line.
Driscoll of Bowdoin kicked off to Inches on the 10-yard line, who ran back 10 yards. As the eleven could not gain, Burr punted from his own 20-yard line to Bowdoin's 35-yard line, where Driscoll was downed. Driscoll and Lee made 8 yards on the next two plays, but then, as the eleven failed to gain, Driscoll punted to Inches on Harvard's 30-yard line. Inches ran the ball in 5 yards. In the next scrimmage the University team was offside for which it was penalized 5 yards. Wendell failed to gain through right guard, and Foster made but one yard around right end, so that Burr was forced to punt. Bowdoin secured the ball on the 5-yard line, and immediately punted back, Foster making a fair catch on the 35-yard line. Burr kicked a goal from placement, making the score of 4 to 0 in favor of the University team after 9 minutes of play.
On the next kick-off the ball went over the goal line. Burr punted out from his 20-yard line to Bowdoin's 35-yard line from which point Driscoll ran back 15 yards. Lee made 3 yards around left end and then Balanchard made one more. Bowdoin then punted, the ball being downed by the University team on its 25-yard line. Starr next tried two forward passes in succession, throwing the ball both times to Apollonio, but as only 3 yards were gained, Burr punted. The Bowdoin team made two short gains and then returned the punt, but as Harvard fumbled the catch, Bowdoin regained the ball on the 45-yard line. Lee made two yards on a left-end play, which was followed by a slight loss by Driscoll. Inches missed the punt which followed, Apollonio downing the ball on his 25-yard line. On the next play Wendell was thrown back for a 12-yard loss and then Burr made a long punt to the opponent's 45-yard line. The Bowdoin team gained about 15 yards in the next three rushes and then time was called for the first half with the ball on the University team's 50-yard line.
In the second half Blanchard ran back Burr's kick-off from the 12 to the 30-yard line. Lee failed to gain, and Driscoll made two yards around Burnham, Bowdoin was forced to punt, but regained the ball on a fumble after it was blocked. In the next play Driscoll punted again, McDonald getting the ball on the opponent's 17-yard line. The University team halfbacks gained several yards in two rushes, and then Apollonio was forced over for a touchdown after three fierce line plunges. Burr kicked the goal from a difficult angle.
Blanchard kicked off, the ball going over the goal line. Mason replaced Apollonio, who had received a slight injury to his nose; and Cummings was put in Stacey's place in the Bowdoin line. Burr punted out from the 20-yard line, and then was replaced by Gilmore. Bowdoin failed to gain on two end runs and again kicked, Foster running the ball back 5-yards to his 25-yard line. Bowdoin was given 15 yards after the next play because of McDonald's illegal use of hands; but on the next play Harvard regained the same distance on a penalty for tripping. Soon after this the University team secured the ball on a poor quarter back kick. Hoar was put in the line in Osborne's place for Harvard, and Buttrick in Newman's, and Ellis in W. Drummond's place for Bowdoin. Foster was forced to punt, McDonald tacking Blanched, who caught the ball on Bowdoin's 50-yard line. Hall replaced Starr at quarterback. Lee and Driscoll failed to gain, and on the blocked punt which followed, Bowdoin regained the ball. Here Green replaced Bass at quarterback in the Bowdoin team. Another blocked punt followed and the ball was advanced 15 yards into Bowdoin's territory on a penalty for holding. Blanched made a successful punt, Mason receiving the ball on the University team's 34-yard line. Hall at once made a forward pass to Burnham, who rushed about 15 yards; but a second forward pass to McDonald failed to gain. Time was called immediately.
The summary: Score-Harvard, 10; Bowdoin, 0. Touchdown-Apollonio. Goal from field-Burr. Goal from touchdown-Burr. Referee- A. D. Saul, Newton A. C. Umpires-F. A. Burley of Milton; H. H. Holton. B. A. A. Timekepper- J. H. Lathrop. Time-Two 15-minutes halves. The scores of the more important football games were: Princeton, 22; Stevens Institute, 0. Pennsylvania, 6; Gettysburg, 0. Carlisle, 48; Susquehannah, 0. Dartmouth, 8; University of Vermont, 0.
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