The annual University fall handicap games were held in the Stadium on Saturday afternoon under favorable conditions both of weather and track. In all the events the performances were an improvement over last year, and disclosed several new men of ability, who will be eligible for the University team next spring. The Freshmen also made a good showing, obtaining three first places, two seconds, and three thirds.
The most closely contested race was the 880-yard run, which was won by H. Green '08, with a handicap of 30 yards. On the last lap W. F. Whitcher '09, with a handicap of 10 yards, and A. S. Cobb '07, from scratch, closed up fast and finished only a few yards behind Green, Whitcher just beating out Cobb for second place.
In the final heat of the 100-yard dash, a closely contested event, E. V. B. Parke '08, with a handicap of 5 yards, won in the fast time of 10 seconds. W. G. Wendell '09, with a handicap of 6 yards, and L. P. Dodge '08, scratch, were awarded second and third places respectively. Parke, with a handicap of 10 yards, also won the 220-yard dash, L. P. Dodge '08, scratch, winning over H. Rogers '10, who had a handicap of 10 yards.
In the 440-yard run, E. K. Merrihew '10, with a handicap of 15 yards, won by about 5 yards over F. A. Jenks '07, with a handicap of 20 yards. B. L. Young, Jr., '07, scratch, was a close third.
E. B. Smith '08, with a handicap of 220 yards, easily won the two-mile run, but the contest of second place was very close. W. G. Howard '07, and M. S. Crosby '08 both started from scratch and ran close together throughout the race. On the home stretch, however, Crosby passed his competitor and won by yard.
The mile run was not so interesting as the two-mile, although the time, 4 minutes and 35 seconds, was fast. C. R. Nasmith 1L., with a handicap of 10 yards, won the event, H. F. Hadden '09, with 30 yards, finishing a good second.
The final heat of the high hurdles was very close between W. M. Rand '09, with a penalty of 8 yards, and M. D. Griswold 1L., with a penalty of 10 yards, the former barely winning. H. Taylor '07, with a handicap of 7 yards, won the low hurdles.
In the field events the quality of the performances was not exceptionally good, except in the high jump, which was won by R. E. Somers '08, handicap of 1 inch. The actual jump, was 5 feet 10 inches. B. T. Stephenson, Jr., '08, with a handicap of 3 inches and R. G. Harwood '09 with the same handicap, tied for second place. G. E. Roosevelt '09, scratch, although unplaced in the event, made an actual jump of 5 feet 9 inches.
The hammer-throw was postponed until tomorrow at 3 o'clock.
Following is the summary of events:
Track Events
120 yard hurdles-Won by W. M. Rand '09, 8 yds. penalty; second, M. D. Griswold 1L., 10 yds. penalty; third, A. D. Piper '09, 5 yds. penalty. Time, 17 1-5s. 100-yard dasly-Won by E. V. B. Parke '08, 5 yds.; second, W. G. Wendell '09, 6 yds.; third, L. P. Dodge '08, scratch. Time, 10s.
Mile run-Won by C. R. Nasmith 1L., 10 yds.; second, H. F. Hadden '09, 30 yds.; third, R. E. Dole '10, 60 yds. Time, 4m. 35s.
880-yard run-Won by H. Green '08, 30 yds.; second, W. F. Whitcher '09, 10 yds.; third, A. S. Cobb '07, scratch. Time, 2m. 4s.
440-yard run-Won by E. K. Merrihew '10, 15 yds.; second, F. A. Jenks '07, 20 yds.; third, B. L. Young, Jr., '07, scratch. Time, 51s.
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