

Chosen Last Night.--Yale Has Choice of Sides.--Trials for University Team.

The University Debating Council last night sent the following question to Yale for the annual intercollegiate debate, which will be held in Sanders Theatre on December 7: "Resolved, That the further restriction of immigration is undesirable." By "further restriction" is meant the application of additional tests with the object of diminishing materially the number of immigrants. But the nature and practicability of such tests are not to be discussed. Yale will have the choice of sides.

The University team will be chosen after a series of three trials, which will be open to students in all departments of the University. At the first trial on next Tuesday evening, October 30, each speaker will be allowed five minutes to argue either the affirmative or negative of the subject for debate; and as a result of these speeches, from twelve to sixteen men will be retained. These men will deliver 10-minute speeches on the question at the second trial, on November 2, when the six men who will constitute the first and second teams will be chosen. The division into these two teams will be made as a result of the third trial on November 6, when a regular debate will be held. The positions for the debate will be assigned by lot, and the men will be allowed twelve minutes for presentation and five minutes for rebuttal.

All the trials will be held in Dane Hall at 7 o'clock on the evenings named, and will be open to the public. The Coolidge Prize of $100 will be awarded immediately after the third trial to the undergraduate who has, in the opinion of the judges, done the most effective work in all three trials.

All men, who desire to try for the team, should send their names to M. C. Leckner '07, Waverley 23, before next Tuesday, when the order of speaking will be posted in Upper Dane at 10 o'clock. For the benefit of the candidates for the team, all books of reference on the question will be transfered from Gore Hall to the shelves of the Reading Room in Dane Hall, which will be open from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., beginning this evening, and continuing throughout the time of the trials.

The prospects for the University in the debate against Yale this year are very bright. The team will be able to enter the debate with the prestige of a long line of victories--twelve out of the sixteen debates that have been held. Several members of past University teams are eligible to try for the team this year, and several have signified their willingness to help the team by advice and coaching.
