
Yale Letter

University interest during the past week has centered chiefly in the daily practice of the university football team. Coach Rockwell worked the squad very hard, paying especial attention to the forward passes and the defense. No particular changes have been made in the line-up. T. A. D. Jones, at quarterback, is out of the game for a few days, suffering from a leg injury. The rest of the team are in the pink of condition. Scrimmages against the college and freshman elevens have been held daily and a large corps of graduate coaches have been supervising the various departments of the game. On three consecutive days the heavy freshman team has scored on the first eleven. On Saturday Yale defeated the Pennsylvania State College team, 10 to 0. The field was in very bad condition, due to twelve hours of continuous rainfall. In this game Yale's defense was almost perfect and the coaches seemed well satisfied with the offensive work. Both scores, a touchdown by Biglow and a placement kick from the 20-yard line by Knox, were made in the first half. The opposing ends were fast in getting down the field under punts and not easily deceived by trick plays. Their best ground gainer was a delayed forward pass around either end. In general, the Yale team has made considerable progress during the past week.

For the first time in nine years the strong freshman team defeated Andover on Saturday last, the score being 11 to 0. E. H. Coy of New Haven, fullback, has been appointed temporary captain.

University mass meetings, at which songs and cheers are practiced, have started, and will be continued throughout the remainder of the season.

In the Intercollegiate Golf Tournament, played at Garden City, during the past week, Yale's team, composed of W. E. Clow, Jr., '07, R. Abbott '08, D. Partridge L.S.'08, E. Knowles '08, W. W. Howland, S.'08 and G. V. Rotan S.'07, won the championship. Robert Abbott '08 of Plainfield, N. J., was elected captain. D. Partridge and W. E. Clow, Jr., of Yale played in the individual finals, Clow winning, one up.

The Yale Dramatic Association announces that a light play to precede the regular spring production, will be given during Junior Promenade week, the latter part of January.


The annual Fall Track Meet that was to have been held on Saturday, has been postponed until next Saturday, on account of the soft condition of the track, due to the heavy rain. Class numerals will be awarded to the winner of each event and handsome cups will be presented to those winning first, second and third places.
