During the past week the football team has improved greatly from its showing in the Annapolis game. This improvement was especially noticeable in the game with Bucknell last Saturday. Here, spite of the soggy field and the drizzling rain which fell continuously throughout both halves, the backfield played with a snap and vigor that carried the Bucknell team off its feet. Around the ends and through the line they went with equal case, and this continued when the entire second string of backs had gone in. The linemen played low and hard, and put up such a strong defense that Bucknell could not once gain a first down.
Cross-country practice is on in earnest. J. L. Eisele, who was ineligible last year, has been made captain; and the following members of last year's team are back in college: E. W. Walker '07, S. H. Crawford '08, R. P. Lingle '08, and E. H. Kelly '09. Besides these, fifteen or twenty other candidates have reported.
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